The Weddding of First Lieutenant Jean M.. Holmberg son of Mr. And Mrs A.W. Holmberg of Florence Kansas and Miss Mary Kay Kokenge daughter of Mr and Mrs William Kokenge of Seneca Kansas was solomized Friday morning, November 3rd in Saint Peter and Paul church, Seneca. Rev atthew Hall read the double ring ceremony at a low mass. Jo Wempe played the wedding music. Mark Boeding and Bill Kokenge were servers. Miss Elsie Kokenge, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Mary Alice Luebbe, R.N , Kansas City was a bridesmaid. Albert Kokenge, brother of the bride, attended Lieutenant Holmberg as best man. The bride, a brunette, was lovely in her bridal gown of white silk faille and net. Her fingertip veil was held by a coronet of seed pearls. She carried red roses. The maid of honor wore a blue formal and the bridesmaid a pink formal. Each carried pink roses. The wedding breakfast, dinner and reception were held at the home of the bride, west of town. The wedding cake was baked by Mrs Louis Roeder. Out of town guests included Mrs Charles Heinz, Topeka, Mrs Donald Pitts recently of Melborne Australia. And Mrs Leonard Grollmes of Laramie Wyoming. The bride who is the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Kokenge is a graduate of Sts Peter and Paul school, this city. She has been in the employ of the Santa Fe offices in Topeka. Lt Holmberg was with the tank corps in the European theater, was wounded nad returned to the hospital in fort Knox Kentucky, and Winter General hospital in Topeka. He has been assigned to Dallas Texas. Mrs Holmberg will accompany him. Before he went into the service he was with the Kansas State highway department.